Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Day by Day

Well, we've very nearly reached the end of Mitch's Montreal trip.  Hard to believe he's been gone almost a month!  The kids and I have been so busy just trying to make it through each day that the time certainly has flown by.  But Mitch will be back Friday night - late late late - and then I plan on taking a well deserved break.  Or at least try to sleep in one day.

Jacob has started baseball practice.  He's on the Pirates.  I haven't had much opportunity to watch any of his practices, since it seems Sara always needs to be somewhere else at the same time, but he feels his team might be pretty good.  There are 18 teams in his league!  The league plays 3 games a night on 3 different fields every Tuesday and Thursday.  I don't know yet how they work it as far as innings played/time limit in order to get all those games in.  Some nights, his game won't even start until 8 PM.  I'm not wild about that, but hopefully, it won't run too late.  And on those late game nights, he'll have time to do his homework beforehand.

Sara starts softball practice next week.  She also plays Tuesday and Thursday nights, but at a completely different complex as Jake.  (Of course!)  I know her games go 6 innings or 1 hour, whichever comes first.  And no new inning can start after 55 minutes.  She is a Chicago Cub.  (Sorry, Uncle Dan.)

It's hard to believe I've been at my new job for almost a month.  I really do like it.  There's a lot of variety and lots of stuff to learn.  But I feel really comfortable and am glad to be here.  The casual dress is awesome and I need to clean out my closet and pack up all those skirts and heels.  I will not be wearing those around this place, that's for sure!  And we get next Friday off for Good Friday, which is quite the novelty for me.  Especially since the kids have school and Mitch has to work.  Ahhh, the house to myself.  Well, with Gracie.  Hmmm, she might need to go to doggie day camp that day!

I've been reading a ton and haven't updated my book blog AT ALL.  But the book I'm recommending right now is "I'd Know You Anywhere" by Laura Lippman.  I seriously could not put it down.  It's a good thing I was reading it on my Kindle, or I for sure would have skipped ahead and read the ending.  That's one thing the Kindle has taken away from me anyway and that's probably good. 

1 comment:

  1. shut up no dress clothes! I would totally give up massage monday for that!
