Thursday, January 5, 2012

Happy New Year

Welcome to the New Year!

I'd like to tell you that one of my New Year's Resolutions is to post more.  But you should know that I don't make New Year's Resolutions.

What I do instead is start ANOTHER blog.

I know.  Shut up.

But I've started a new blog, Reading the Recipe.  You can find a link here on the right sidebar.  It's my effort to expand what we eat around here.  You know you need to expand your menu when your 12-year-old answers the question "What do you want for dinner?" with "Anything but pizza or tacos,"

So what I'm doing is making a concerted effort to try new recipes.  I'm not setting a number goal or anything, but I would like to make at least 2 a week.   I feel like I can easily obtain this if I use my crockpot for one of those.

Regarding the rest of our lives:  I got a new job, the holidays were great, we got a cat, there's talk of adding a turtle, we went to Las Vegas for New Year's, and we're looking forward to seeing Mitch's brother's family in February.

Gosh, when I do it like that, posting seems a lot less daunting. 

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE using my crockpot! Get the fix-it-and-forget-it cookbook and check out often. I get all kinds of recipes off that website that are yummy and easy to make. :)
