Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Winter Marches On

For what I have always called our "slow time of year", we've been busy again. Seems like it's always something.

Jacob tried out and made a new baseball team this year and they've started batting practice. I'm hoping he gets more catching time this year, after last season when he caught almost not at all. He'll have a short but intense season, from about mid-April until mid-June and playing roughly 45 games total. Two games on Saturdays and one game on Mondays. We're very excited for this opportunity and he of course is just glad to be playing baseball again.

Sara's been busy with all of the things she does: Girl Scouts, band, school, friends. She's considering being in the school musical, but she's not completely sold on that yet. When they had 150 kids show up to be in it, I think she changed her mind. She got University of Utah gymnastics tickets for Christmas and we've had two meets in a row, but it's so much fun. Even the parking and leaving after the meets isn't too bad. Go Utes! And of course, Sara's birthday is coming right up. Hard to believe she'll be 12!

She had her 6-month neurology appointment, which I wrote about on Facebook so I won't rehash it here. We're pleased and so thankful that this has turned out the way it has for her. We know it's not over, and she'll have to be aware of this her entire life, but let me just say - if you've ever spent any time in a Children's Hospital, it doesn't take long to see how very lucky you are and how different things could be.

I'm going to Florida in March for Gram's memorial service. It will be nice to see everyone who comes down.

Mitch is busy with work, of course. He's been skiing some this year. We've definitely had enough snow. He's still brewing beer with some guys from work so our pantry looks like a frat house - practically nothing but beer, taco chips and ramen. We're nothing if not classy.

We went across the street to the neighbor's for the Super Bowl. It was a good time, even though we were pulling for the 49ers and they didn't win. The power outage at the stadium was cool. The Paul Harvey commercial brought the room to complete silence. There was a grilled cheese bar, which can now be added to my list of favorites bars of all time, along with such classics as taco bar and nacho bar and of course, the leader, mashed potato bar.

Sara taught me to crochet the other night, which she learned at school this year. We only know how to double-crochet, so thank heavens for YouTube where we can learn other stitches and techniques. I think we'll be crochet-crazies here. Who needs a scarf?

If it was Tuesday, I'd give you a list of my top 10 tv shows recently, but it's not so I'm going to save it for Ten on Tuesday. Someday, I might blog on a Tuesday. You'll just have to check back then.

Oh and before you ask - the recipe blog kind of died out when my laptop did. I did make a pie bites recipe off Pinterest and it was really good, except that I didn't want to make my own whipped cream and the canned stuff just didn't hold up. Maybe I'll try to update over there when I'm off at the end of the week.

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