Monday, June 20, 2011

The Final Countdown

It's T minus whatever until the kids leave.  They leave on Friday morning and fly to O'Hare and begin their month-long vacation with grandparents and friends.  They are super excited, though I worry about them flying by themselves, since they don't remember flying before.  But I paid for a chaperone and it's a direct flight, so barring bad weather, they will be fine. 

What will Mitch and I do for a month alone?  That's the part you should be scared about. Actually, it looks like he'll be spending a week in Michigan for work and then a few days at his dad's, picking up a boat.  So he'll probably be gone for the better part of 2 weeks during that time.  And it makes the pick-up and delivery of the kids to various places a little bit easier. 

I have to get the kids packed and ready to go.  I was going to send them with duffel bags and ship other stuff ahead, but now we're leaning toward packing them in the big suitcase we have and not messing with shipping and paying for extra bags.  (Mom, are you reading this?  This is the new plan.)  The suitcase should be more than enough and Jacob can get it off the luggage carousel with no problem.  And if he can't, then he has a lot of work to do before football starts at the end of July.  Two birds, one stone kind of thing there.

Sara had 7 teeth pulled Friday and came through great.  She had to have the Novocaine shots redone, because the first four didn't numb her.  But once the numbness wore off, she was back to her usual self.  No side effects thank goodness.  It's always a little nerve-wracking when she has any type of anesthesia or sedation at this point, given the issues she's had since September.

We also got a call that our debit card "may have been compromised" in light of the most recent Michael's Crafts debit card hacking or whatever that was.  So Friday I had to go to the credit union so we could be issued new cards.  Unfortunately, now I have to figure out what was coming out of our account automatically with the debit card and get that changed.  That's a hassle, but better than having my account wiped out, I suppose.  Not that that would take much, but still. 

We're still looking for a house.  Mitch has his mind set on building, but I'm still against it.  If we didn't have to live in a specific area for Sara's school, it would make things a bit easier, but that's where we have to be for at least the next 2 years.  So we'll figure it out.  Somehow.

Today starts Wimbledon.  Will Rafael Nadal be able to defend his title?  We will know in a fortnight!

1 comment:

  1. 7 teeth holy crap hasnt Sara been through enough already?! I still miss you tons and sure wish you were coming for a visit!! Love ya Maryann, please come home
