Tuesday, June 22, 2010


The FHA appraisal was yesterday, so now we just wait.  And wait some more.  And take the kids to vacation with their grandparents.  And go to Utah to find a place to live.  And hopefully at some point in there, it was all come back as wonderful and approved and we'll get a damn closing date so I can schedule some movers and get this crap DONE.

But for now, we wait.

I'm crabby about a lot of stuff right now, some of it justified and some of it not.  I think the stress is starting to get to me.  I'm starting to freak out that we won't find a place to live.  Which is silly of course, because we will find something.  The odds of us ending up HOMELESS for God's sake are pretty slim.  I know this logically, however at 2 AM when I'm staring at the ceiling thinking all these things over, logic is rarely a factor. 

I'm tired of everyone saying "Oh, we have to get together before you leave!  Let me know!"  I appreciate the thought, really, but don't put it all on me.  Because if you haven't figured this out by now, I'm not a hugely social person.  Let's get 20 people together and have lunch.  But I simply cannot imagine a way to see 20 people at separate times between now and whenever the hell I leave.  It's overwhelming.  And then I freak out some more.  Which no one needs.

I'm freaking out about this cat.  I honestly thought she would have died by now, as skinny and whacked out and crazy as she, yet she continues to live.  She is not going to Utah, I can tell you that, because she pukes everywhere and hates the dog and I don't need the drama.  But you just know if I call the vet and say "Enough!", they'll want to try to fix whatever is wrong with her and in realty, she's like 14 years old.  I'm not putting a ton of money in this cat.  But then I feel bad because we've had her forever, and Sara used to drag her around everywhere, and she is our cat.  So I don't know what to do.

Oh, and I'm not sleeping,  Have I mentioned that?  Yeah, that always works out well.  Probably adds a bit to the freak out mode.  I should be full-on-crazy by Thursday.

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