Monday, August 30, 2010

Dirty Laundry

I'm spending this morning waiting for the dishwasher repair guy to come.  Between 8 AM and noon.  Really?  That's the best they can do?  Frustrating.  Our dishwasher was on a recall list for starting electrical fires.  I called the rental agency and they spent 2 weeks trying to figure it out, but the bottom line is that someone is coming today.  To do what, I don't know.  And it doesn't really matter.  I've still been using the dishwasher, because let's face it: it's going to take more than the risk of an electrical fire to make me hand-wash dishes again.  I just make sure I'm home and awake when I run it.  I was hoping for a replacement, because I don't like this dishwasher much - the silverware thing is in the door, which means you have to practically close it to put the silverware in - but I suspect that's not happening.  Oh well.

The kids left for school in 60 degrees temps and shortly after another hailstorm blew through.  I honestly have not seen as much hail in my entire life as I've seen in the last month here.  It's bizarre.

I bought the kids these laundry hampers at Target: (Mostly, I can't find it on the Target website so I stole this from Amazon.)

They came in a set of two: one this size and one smaller and more square.  They pop up when you take them out of the package and they're made of mesh.  I put a set in each kid's room and they put in the darks in the larger one and whites in the smaller.  Then when it's time to do laundry - which it seems to be all the time - I just go into their rooms, grab a bag by the handles and take it to the laundry room.  Easy peasy.

In Michigan, I had a HUGE closet in the main bathroom - big enough to fit two full size laundry baskets and the concept was the same - darks in one and whites in the other.  We don't even have a linen closet in this house and the bathrooms are too small for a hamper.  This was the easiest solution.  It's nice too that we have a main floor laundry in this house so carrying baskets - or bags - around isn't a big deal. 

Look at me, all Martha Stewarty.  Yikes.

Still no luck on the job front.  If this keeps up, I may have to reconsidered that funeral home in Salt Lake City.  And take my chances with my buddy from the consulting group.  Say a prayer that it doesn't come to that.

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