Some people hate curse words, some people love them. Which side are you on? And what's your favorite curse (or curse-substitute) word? Okay, I think we all know I swear. A lot. I don't like to play favorites. I'm an equal opportunity curser.
What's the best thing that could happen to you right now, and if it did, what's the first song you'd turn up loud and start dancing to? The best thing would be for all these medical issues we're having here to just go away. And basically, I turn everything up loud and sing along. But right now, my two faves are Taylor Swift's Mean and Sugarland's Stuck Like Glue. (Shut up, I never claimed to have great musical taste.) And there will be no dancing. I don't believe in dancing.
Who's your favorite writer, and what work of theirs would you recommend we read first? Stephen King is my all time favorite writer and I tell everyone to read "Thinner". He wrote it under a different name and it's not very well known, but it's amazing,.
Post a photograph that means something to you and then tell us why you chose it. (It can be your photo or someone else's.)
This picture is totally Jacob and Sara. He would never want anyone to see him being silly with his sister, and she lives to make him be silly. She adores him, and would rather spend time with him than anyone else. You never hear Jacob laugh the way he does when he's with her.
What's the difference between men and women? Ummm, really? Did you not take 6th grade health class? Seriously though, the difference I see is that women have an incredible amount of daily information in their heads - what kid needs to be where and when, what time school starts and lets out, family birthdays, their husband's family birthdays, etc. Men, on the other hand, have an incredible amount of useless information in their heads - the price of gas in 1989, the final score of the last football game they played in high school, a "better" route that the GPS doesn't recognize. Stuff like that.
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