Sunday, November 28, 2010

Post Thanksgiving Debrief

Mitch got called into work - at 7 PM on the Sunday of Thanksgiving weekend - so I'm taking the time to catch up on stuff.  And by stuff I mean paying bills and eating nachos.  And of course, writing here.  And eating fudge.  (It's almost gone though, which will leave a huge hole in my days.)

Thanksgiving was uneventful, which is just the way I like it.  We ate turkey around 12:30 PM, had a nap and ate some more turkey.  We went to see Harry Potter, because I mistakenly thought it wouldn't be too bad on Thanksgiving night.  Please note the use of the word "mistakenly" in the previous sentence.  Even half an hour early, the only seats we could find were in the 2nd row.  And I like Harry as much as the next person, but holy smokes, I don't need to be that close.  My neck and eyes were aching by the end.  Sara was getting a headache about 45 minutes in, so she and Mitch ended up standing further back against the wall.  (Any mention of her having a headache makes us nervous any more.)  I'd like to go back and see it another time, just to get another look.

If you didn't already know, Mitch had to go the ER last Tuesday.  He had another swelling reaction and this time it was his lower face, including his mouth.  I'd post a picture, but he'd be really mad and then you'd all be coming to my funeral, so let's leave it at you wouldn't believe it even if you saw it.  They hooked him up to an IV and gave him 4 different meds and managed to get it under control.  He's got an appointment with an allergist next week and a steroid prescription along with an epi pen.  He's also under strict instructions that if his face swells again AT ALL to take some Benadryl and come to the ER.  They were pretty convinced it's going to affect his throat next.  I'm hoping this allergist can get him figured out.  He can't keep having these episodes.

We had some snow overnight so that's been fun.  I didn't go out at all today so I can't speak to the condition of the roads.  We'll see tomorrow, I suppose. 

Tomorrow is Cyber Monday.  I'd appreciate it if all of you would stay off the Internet and away from the great deals I'm anticipating scoring.  Thanks in advance. :)

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