Wednesday, November 3, 2010

To A Vote

So it's back to the real world today and the housework awaits.  I started some laundry, vacuumed and dusted.  Which I absolutely HATE dusting, so that really counts as two jobs. 

I'm really glad these elections are over.  I'll just come out and say it: I didn't vote.  I only got my driver's license a couple weeks ago, as you may remember.  They asked me at the DMV if I wanted to register to vote, but then I saw online that there is actually a form at the DMVs used to register.  And since we haven't been here very long, I don't know the candidates or the issues here.  So I skipped it.

And before you get all "It's your duty" and "How unAmerican" on me, keep in mind that I've voted in nearly every election for at least the last 10 years.  And I generally get those voting information things from the library so I know who I'm voting for and why.  (Those are especially helpful for the proposals.  Do they purposefully word those things so by the time you finish reading it, you don't know what to vote?  I think so. )  The bottom line is that missing one for my reasons doesn't bug me much.  I don't really care much about your voting habits either.  Vote or don't vote.  I don't care.   If you go, great.  If you don't, there are fewer people in line ahead of me.

Truth is, I'm really only in it for the sticker.

Anyway, now we get like 20 minutes before the next round of political ads and government bashing begins.  Enjoy it, friends. 

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