Thursday, November 18, 2010

Random Things on Thursday

- Mitch is going to a dermatologist today in (yet) another attempt to determine why the left side of his face swells up.  And now this morning he said his left hand is swollen as well.  I've decided that Utah is bringing out the weird health issues in this family.

- I hate drinking out of cans.  I prefer bottles.  Glass for beer and plastic for soda.  I harbor a bizarre belief that my clumsiness will result in cutting my lip open while drinking from a can.  Which may explain my stress level this week while I try to finish off this case of Dr. Pepper cans I bought while Mitch's dad was here.

- Note to James Patterson:  I just saw your commercial for your new book "Cross Fire" and you, of all people, should know that "unputdownable" is not a word.  It's not even acceptable as "un-put-downable".  I'm making my disappointed face at you for allowing the voice-over guy to use that non-word.

-  The local CW station here follows a noon showing of "Law & Order: SVU" with "Matlock".  Seriously?  "Matlock"?

- I have a grocery list a mile long for Thanksgiving dinner and it's just the 4 of us here.  It seems unlikely that I seem to have NO SUPPLIES for this meal, yet that appears to be the case.  And I have to buy stuff to make for pumpkin pies and I don't even like pumpkin pie.  Ironic, I know.

- Tonight begins Thursday night football and it's the Bears vs. the Dolphins.  I love Thursday night football.  I won't say who I'm rooting for, since sometimes my brothers read this blog and I don't want to make either one of them mad.

- My most recent "completely attainable, yet highly unlikely I will actually do" goal is to read my camera book and find out how to use all those features past "Easy".  Because since they went to all the trouble of putting those features on the camera, it seems that the least I could do is try one of them.

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