Tuesday, November 9, 2010

So Swell When You're Well

Where have I been?  Apparently, I turn 40 and all my good blogging habits go right out the window.  I don't really have any excuses, nothing really awesome going on or anything like that.  Just regular day to day stuff that gets in the way of keeping you all informed.

There's a guy here cleaning our carpets right now, in preparation for Mitch's dad and stepmother's arrival on Thursday.  Honestly, if he'd started when he got here instead of standing around making small talk with me, he'd be done by now.  And who wants to stand around and make small talk with me?  I'm not very good at it.  He found out we moved here from Michigan though and had all kinds of Utah/Michigan carpet cleaning comparisons that he'd picked up from chat rooms on the Internet.  I don't even want to know why there are carpet cleaning chat rooms on the Internet.  But I guess there really is something for everyone out there.  Anyway, without knowing I had worked for a funeral home, he wanted to know if it was true that they don't bury dead people until spring. 

Now, as much as I would have like to look him straight in the eye and say "Why, yes, we just stack 'em up like cordwood and then come spring dump 'em all in a mass grave somewhere," I didn't.  I said, "Well no actually, I worked for a funeral home and we buried people every day of the year."  (Also not true, but I suppose for the right price, we would have buried your loved one on Christmas day.)

What else I didn't say: "Get to cleaning there sir, I didn't ask you here for entertainment purposes."

Again proving that not everything I'm thinking comes straight out my mouth.  It just seems like that sometimes.

Mitch's face swelled up again Sunday evening.  He had been to the ENT a couple weeks ago and was told it was a deviated septum and a blocked tear duct that keeps causing this.  It's been happening more and more frequently over the last year and it's happened at least 6 times since we moved here.  If you're not familiar with old swollen face here, what happens is the left side of his face, usually around his cheekbones, swells. Last time, the swelling was so bad, his eye was swollen shut.  We always associated it with an allergy to some seasonings, but more recently, there's been nothing to trace it back to.  And on Monday morning, his entire left side was swollen including his jawline.  It looked like he had an abscessed tooth or something.  He stayed home from work, because hello - he looked goofy - and I finally got him to call the ENT again.  He went in yesterday afternoon and they did a CT scan.  The doctor called this morning and wants him to go over to see an opthamologist this afternoon.  So maybe we'll get some answers this afternoon.  The radiologist yesterday said she thought it was cellulitis, but we googled it and it doesn't seem that's it.  ( I know what's wrong with that statement.  No need to point it out to me.  We don't really think google is more accurate than a well-trained radiologist.)  So now we wait.

Note:  This whole move to Utah so far has really just been a test of our medical insurance.  If Mitch needs anything major, he's having it done before the end of this year.  I'm not starting over on this whole deductible thing.

So since this is a health related post somehow, I will tell you that Jacob hurt his ankle at school yesterday.  He didn't tell his teacher.  What he DID do however, was get off the school bus at the first stop in our subdivision and walk home.  A good 5 blocks or so.  In the cold rain.  With a possibly sprained ankle.  (Maybe we've sent the wrong kid to a neurologist all this time.) 

I looked at it when he got home and it does look swollen - a recurring theme in this house apparently - so I gave him an ice pack and a lecture about why walking on a possibly sprained ankle might not be the best idea he's ever had.  But no, I did not take him to ER.  Mitch wrapped it when he got home and we'll give it a day.  Or until his grandparents show up and shame us into taking him in. 

The carpet cleaning guy is done.  He did mention, however that his equipment got tangled up in the dog leash and he cut his finger on an exposed wire from the dog leash so now he's going to get a tetanus shot.  Really?  Can we not do ANYTHING here without it turning into a trip to the doctor for somebody?


  1. I keep seeing this. Are you having a bad day? (PS - I miss you too.)

  2. Seems like everybody I know has been having one adventure after another.
