Okay, so I did a 2010 in Review. So next up, logically, would be a 2011 New Year's Resolutions post, right? Well, all you guys probably read my 40th birthday post and my Thanksgiving post so I honestly don't know why you would think I would do something like that.
Oh, you hopeful, hapless souls. How I love your optimism. I laugh at it, but I love it nonetheless.
Here's what I WILL do for you, however. I will make resolutions for other people. Less pressure on me to perform, yet you still get a New Year's Eve post. Win-win.
For Sara:
Sara resolves to have no more health issues. She resolves to put those pre-teen hormones in check. She also resolves to help her mother more around the house.
For Jacob:
Jacob resolves to be less mouthy (despite the fact that it's clearly genetic). He resolves to wear something other than his University of Michigan hoodie every day. Following his sister's lead, he also resolves to help his mother more around the house.
For Mitch:
Mitch also resolves to have no more health issues. He resolves to watch less "Pawn Stars". He resolves to train this dog before I get rid of her.
For Gracie:
Gracie resolves to stop jumping on the furniture. She resolves to stop stealing things out of the kids' rooms. She also resolves to stop unrolling the toilet paper rolls, because that is really, really annoying.
For Jenni:
Jenni resolves to continue doing well without me there. She also resolves to call me as often as possible. She resolves to come out here to visit.
For Jen:
Jen resolves to continue being the #1 waitress/bartender in the Greater Kalamazoo area. She resolves to spread her gift of sarcasm at a global level. She also resolves to continue being a great support to me by helping me to laugh through my tears.
For Maryann:
Maryann resolves to keep me up to date on the goings-on at our favorite place of employment. She resolves to stay alert to any possible purple purses that I may enjoy owning. She also resolves to continue with her way cool nail art.
For My Brothers:
My brothers resolve to remember I am the best sister EVER. That's enough for them, I think.
For My Sisters:
See above "My Brothers" resolution.
For My Parents:
My parents resolve to spend more time with their grandchildren, by taking them for at least 2 weeks during the summer. (That's 2 weeks per parent, btw.) They resolve to send me cool presents for no reason. They resolve to do this often.
For The World:
The World resolves to stop doing stupid things like earthquakes, floods and fires. It also resolves to achieve that World Peace thing I've heard so much about. The World resolves to be a better place for everyone.
Friday, December 31, 2010
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
2010 In Review
Copied from this blog http://duwaxloolu.blogspot.com/ . There are a lot of questions, but I'm going to give it a shot.
1. What did you do in 2010 that you’d never done before?
Moved to Utah, saw an MRI of my daughter's brain, quit a job after only 2 days
2. Did you keep your new year’s resolutions, and will you make more for next year?
My only New Year's resolution was to not run as many yellow lights and I think I did that. I'm still working on this year's - stay tuned
3. Did anyone close to you give birth?
My niece just had her 2nd daughter last week.
4. Did anyone close to you die?
No, thank goodness. Unfortunately, several close friends lost family members, so I am sorry about that.
5. What countries did you visit?
Isn't Utah another country? No? Then no. You all should know I don't really like to leave this country.
6. What would you like to have in 2011 that you lacked in 2010?
Write more: blogging, fiction, whatever.
7. What dates from 2010 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?
August 1 - the day Jacob and I arrived in Utah
September 5 - the day we first took Sara to the ER.
8. What was your biggest achievement of the year?
Making that drive from Michigan to Utah with Jacob by myself. Five days and a million miles, but we made it.
9. What was your biggest failure?
Finding a real job here.
10. Did you suffer illness or injury?
I had some back trouble, but really, considering everyone else in this house, I'm in good shape.
11. What was the best thing you bought?
This laptop.
12. Whose behavior merited celebration?
Jacob really has adjusted to the move much better than expected, and he was amazing when Sara was first injured. He's a good brother.
13. Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed?
No comment on a personal level.
And on a celebrity level, Brett Favre. Could he have gone out a bigger jackass?
14. Where did most of your money go?
Medical bills.
15. What did you get really, really, really excited about?
Seeing Mt. Rushmore
16. What song will always remind you of 2010?
1000 Miles per Hour - Ok Go
17. Compared to this time last year, are you:
a) happier or sadder?
b) thinner or fatter?
The same, I think
c) richer or poorer?
Richer probably, but that's going to change shortly.
18. What do you wish you’d done more of?
19. What do you wish you’d done less of?
20. How did you spend Christmas?
Here in Utah, with just the 4 of us. It was unlike any other Christmas we've ever had as a family.
21. Did you fall in love in 2010?
Yes - with my kids' new school :)
22. What was your favorite TV program?
Really? Law & Order: SVU, same as always, with Fringe a close 2nd
23. Do you hate anyone now that you didn’t hate this time last year?
I don't know about HATE, but my opinions of some people definitely changed for the worse.
24. What was the best book you read?
I cannot pick just one. Seriously. I really enjoyed the Hunger Games series by Suzanne Collins, Sarah's Key by Tatiana DeRosnay, and the books of Cody McFadyen.
25. What was your greatest musical discovery?
26. What did you want and get?
A Kindle - sorry Maryann and Jen, I won't talk about it anymore.
27. What did you want and not get?
Fiesta Ware dishes
28. What was your favorite film of this year?
Eclipse. And Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1.
29. What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?
I turned 40 this year and we went to dinner at McGrath's. It wasn't great, but I didn't have to cook and it's seafood, so it was sufficient.
30. What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?
Moving all my friends out here to Utah with me.
31. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2010?
Comfort and casual. Same as always.
32. What kept you sane?
My blogging friends and my facebook friends.
33. Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?
Again, bringing up my celebrity crushes. Christopher Meloni, obviously.
34. What political issue stirred you the most?
Repeal of Don't Ask, Don't Tell.
35. Who did you miss?
36. Who was the best new person you met?
37. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2010.
Seeing even one picture of your kid's brain is one picture too many.
38. Quote a song lyric that sums up your year.
I want a hippopotamus for Christmas
Only a hippopotamus will do
Don't want a doll, no dinky Tinker Toy
I want a hippopotamus to play with and enjoy
1. What did you do in 2010 that you’d never done before?
Moved to Utah, saw an MRI of my daughter's brain, quit a job after only 2 days
2. Did you keep your new year’s resolutions, and will you make more for next year?
My only New Year's resolution was to not run as many yellow lights and I think I did that. I'm still working on this year's - stay tuned
3. Did anyone close to you give birth?
My niece just had her 2nd daughter last week.
4. Did anyone close to you die?
No, thank goodness. Unfortunately, several close friends lost family members, so I am sorry about that.
5. What countries did you visit?
Isn't Utah another country? No? Then no. You all should know I don't really like to leave this country.
6. What would you like to have in 2011 that you lacked in 2010?
Write more: blogging, fiction, whatever.
7. What dates from 2010 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?
August 1 - the day Jacob and I arrived in Utah
September 5 - the day we first took Sara to the ER.
8. What was your biggest achievement of the year?
Making that drive from Michigan to Utah with Jacob by myself. Five days and a million miles, but we made it.
9. What was your biggest failure?
Finding a real job here.
10. Did you suffer illness or injury?
I had some back trouble, but really, considering everyone else in this house, I'm in good shape.
11. What was the best thing you bought?
This laptop.
12. Whose behavior merited celebration?
Jacob really has adjusted to the move much better than expected, and he was amazing when Sara was first injured. He's a good brother.
13. Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed?
No comment on a personal level.
And on a celebrity level, Brett Favre. Could he have gone out a bigger jackass?
14. Where did most of your money go?
Medical bills.
15. What did you get really, really, really excited about?
Seeing Mt. Rushmore
16. What song will always remind you of 2010?
1000 Miles per Hour - Ok Go
17. Compared to this time last year, are you:
a) happier or sadder?
b) thinner or fatter?
The same, I think
c) richer or poorer?
Richer probably, but that's going to change shortly.
18. What do you wish you’d done more of?
19. What do you wish you’d done less of?
20. How did you spend Christmas?
Here in Utah, with just the 4 of us. It was unlike any other Christmas we've ever had as a family.
21. Did you fall in love in 2010?
Yes - with my kids' new school :)
22. What was your favorite TV program?
Really? Law & Order: SVU, same as always, with Fringe a close 2nd
23. Do you hate anyone now that you didn’t hate this time last year?
I don't know about HATE, but my opinions of some people definitely changed for the worse.
24. What was the best book you read?
I cannot pick just one. Seriously. I really enjoyed the Hunger Games series by Suzanne Collins, Sarah's Key by Tatiana DeRosnay, and the books of Cody McFadyen.
25. What was your greatest musical discovery?
26. What did you want and get?
A Kindle - sorry Maryann and Jen, I won't talk about it anymore.
27. What did you want and not get?
Fiesta Ware dishes
28. What was your favorite film of this year?
Eclipse. And Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1.
29. What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?
I turned 40 this year and we went to dinner at McGrath's. It wasn't great, but I didn't have to cook and it's seafood, so it was sufficient.
30. What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?
Moving all my friends out here to Utah with me.
31. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2010?
Comfort and casual. Same as always.
32. What kept you sane?
My blogging friends and my facebook friends.
33. Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?
Again, bringing up my celebrity crushes. Christopher Meloni, obviously.
34. What political issue stirred you the most?
Repeal of Don't Ask, Don't Tell.
35. Who did you miss?
36. Who was the best new person you met?
37. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2010.
Seeing even one picture of your kid's brain is one picture too many.
38. Quote a song lyric that sums up your year.
I want a hippopotamus for Christmas
Only a hippopotamus will do
Don't want a doll, no dinky Tinker Toy
I want a hippopotamus to play with and enjoy
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Under Heavy Manners
Mitch and I have always taken a “divide and conquer” approach to parenting. That is a nice way of saying what I generally say, which is that “Mitch wants to raise decent human beings; I just want it to be quiet.” Clearly this approach has some consequences, as I’ve noticed over the last several weeks that my kids’ have the table manners of small, clothed savages. This is wholly unacceptable and I aim to fix this immediately. I am searching Amazon RIGHT NOW for books on table manners for kids. But I keep getting sidetracked by books like this:
This 1910 classic provides helpful information, such as what to do if you’ve accidentally married an inefficient man for love. Foolish girl.
And then there’s this:
This fabulous 1832 book will help you to treat dysentery, educate one’s daughters, and prepare buffalo tongue.
Both are free books. It’s all I can do not to click “Buy now”.
This 1910 classic provides helpful information, such as what to do if you’ve accidentally married an inefficient man for love. Foolish girl.
And then there’s this:
This fabulous 1832 book will help you to treat dysentery, educate one’s daughters, and prepare buffalo tongue.
Both are free books. It’s all I can do not to click “Buy now”.
Ten on Tuesday
10 things I got for Christmas.
- Kindle
- Cool purple slippers
- Label maker
- Port Mortuary by Patricia Cornwell
- Ghiradelli chocolates - caramel, caramel latte and pumpkin spice. (Pumpkin spice? Further proof that Mitch does not know me AT ALL.)
- Wool socks (because Mitch does not like me to put my cold feet on him)
- Aloe infused socks
- Lint roller
- Bubble bath and bath salts (in which to soak while I read my Kindle)
- Scratch off lottery tickets from Illinois of which I won $2
Saturday, December 25, 2010
This Christmas Day
It's Christmas Day and we are officially exhausted. Turns out, staying home a million miles away from family isn't really any more relaxing than being close to everyone and driving around from house to house all day. Plus, someone here has to cook dinner (a task previously undertaken by my mother-in-law) or we're all going to be really really hungry soon.
Sara got us up at 7 AM. I thought this would be the year the kids would sleep in, but no dice. And seeing as she was up until after 11 PM last night, apparently too excited to sleep, it meant Mitch and I were up late too. I'm still unsure what the believability status of Santa is in this house, and the kids aren't saying. So we continue with the status quo of Santa bringing gifts.
I know when Jacob was in 1st grade, there was a lot of talk that Santa wasn't real. He expressed some concerns then, but seriously, we haven't heard another word about this since. Sara wanted to know how a few weeks ago how Santa was going to get in since we don't have a fireplace here, but then said she didn't need to go see Santa this year or write him a letter. So I just don't know where we stand. We marked some gifts from Santa, and some from Mom & Dad, as is our custom. And Sara said last night that she couldn't wait to see what Santa said in his letter this year. (Every year, Santa leaves them a letter after eating the cookies.) Needless to say, I was typing up a Santa letter at 10 PM last night.
We've adopted a serious "Don't ask, don't tell" policy around here. It's more work than talking, if you ask me.
I don't know. Jacob is 11, so I don't think he believes anymore, but Sara's 9, so she very well might. I guess we'll just have to see what they say next year.
I'm thinking of heading out to Kohl's tomorrow to buy myself a set of Fiesta Ware dishes. We'll see how ambitious I am. Sundays I am not traditionally ambitious. It might wait until Monday.
I hope you all had a great Christmas, or a relaxing day, depending on your religious affiliation. And I hope Santa was good to you, if you still believe.
Sara got us up at 7 AM. I thought this would be the year the kids would sleep in, but no dice. And seeing as she was up until after 11 PM last night, apparently too excited to sleep, it meant Mitch and I were up late too. I'm still unsure what the believability status of Santa is in this house, and the kids aren't saying. So we continue with the status quo of Santa bringing gifts.
I know when Jacob was in 1st grade, there was a lot of talk that Santa wasn't real. He expressed some concerns then, but seriously, we haven't heard another word about this since. Sara wanted to know how a few weeks ago how Santa was going to get in since we don't have a fireplace here, but then said she didn't need to go see Santa this year or write him a letter. So I just don't know where we stand. We marked some gifts from Santa, and some from Mom & Dad, as is our custom. And Sara said last night that she couldn't wait to see what Santa said in his letter this year. (Every year, Santa leaves them a letter after eating the cookies.) Needless to say, I was typing up a Santa letter at 10 PM last night.
We've adopted a serious "Don't ask, don't tell" policy around here. It's more work than talking, if you ask me.
I don't know. Jacob is 11, so I don't think he believes anymore, but Sara's 9, so she very well might. I guess we'll just have to see what they say next year.
I'm thinking of heading out to Kohl's tomorrow to buy myself a set of Fiesta Ware dishes. We'll see how ambitious I am. Sundays I am not traditionally ambitious. It might wait until Monday.
I hope you all had a great Christmas, or a relaxing day, depending on your religious affiliation. And I hope Santa was good to you, if you still believe.
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Christmas is Coming
So I feel that since I'm not working for the next two weeks, I should be posting every day. But it's amazing how the days go by.
Yeah, whatever. Like I'm sitting here curing cancer or developing alternative fuel sources.
Today I went to the bank and then the doctor's office to get proof that Jacob had his 2nd Hepatitis A shot. If I don't have that, he can't go back to school on January 3. And he's definitely going back, believe me.
I wrapped gifts tonight and while there should still be some stuff coming tomorrow, we're pretty much done. This is unusual for us, since we're usually wrapping gifts on Christmas Eve. Everything that needed to be shipped has been. Cards are mailed. Tree is up. I might make some fudge or cookies tomorrow, but maybe not. We got the kids way too much stuff, as usual, but seeing as Jacob got stuff for Boy Scouts, and books and clothes, it's not really that bad. We would have bought him that stuff anyway.
Shut up, that's how I'm justifying it. Oh, and 2 sets of their grandparents sent us money to get them their big gift.
2 sets? You might ask. How many grandparents do your kids have?
Get out your scorecard, here goes. My parents are divorced and both are remarried. Mitch's parents are divorced and both are remarried. So our kids have 4 sets of - count 'em, that's 8 individual - grandparents.
You know how when a kid's parents get divorced, there are people who say (in a lame attempt to show the kid the bright side of divorce) "Well, now you get TWO Christmases!"
I say "lame attempt", but yeah, that is cool. But you know what's cooler?
When that kid grows up and marries another kid whose parents are also divorced so their kids have 4 sets of grandparents. Think about that.
Four. Sets. of. Grandparents.
Who wouldn't want to be those kids? It's the 2nd generation broken home upside none of the experts ever predicted. Christmas and birthday jackpots for those kids, my friends. Jackpots.
I could get my kids celery and shoelaces for Christmas and they wouldn't even notice. Seriously.
Yeah, whatever. Like I'm sitting here curing cancer or developing alternative fuel sources.
Today I went to the bank and then the doctor's office to get proof that Jacob had his 2nd Hepatitis A shot. If I don't have that, he can't go back to school on January 3. And he's definitely going back, believe me.
I wrapped gifts tonight and while there should still be some stuff coming tomorrow, we're pretty much done. This is unusual for us, since we're usually wrapping gifts on Christmas Eve. Everything that needed to be shipped has been. Cards are mailed. Tree is up. I might make some fudge or cookies tomorrow, but maybe not. We got the kids way too much stuff, as usual, but seeing as Jacob got stuff for Boy Scouts, and books and clothes, it's not really that bad. We would have bought him that stuff anyway.
Shut up, that's how I'm justifying it. Oh, and 2 sets of their grandparents sent us money to get them their big gift.
2 sets? You might ask. How many grandparents do your kids have?
Get out your scorecard, here goes. My parents are divorced and both are remarried. Mitch's parents are divorced and both are remarried. So our kids have 4 sets of - count 'em, that's 8 individual - grandparents.
You know how when a kid's parents get divorced, there are people who say (in a lame attempt to show the kid the bright side of divorce) "Well, now you get TWO Christmases!"
I say "lame attempt", but yeah, that is cool. But you know what's cooler?
When that kid grows up and marries another kid whose parents are also divorced so their kids have 4 sets of grandparents. Think about that.
Four. Sets. of. Grandparents.
Who wouldn't want to be those kids? It's the 2nd generation broken home upside none of the experts ever predicted. Christmas and birthday jackpots for those kids, my friends. Jackpots.
I could get my kids celery and shoelaces for Christmas and they wouldn't even notice. Seriously.
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Ten on Tuesday - Old Photo Edition
I had this thought about this earlier and it took me a while to find some old photos. My oldest albums are in a box somewhere, so it was harder than I thought.
And Amanda, if you read this, it's not that I don't love you as much as our brothers/sister. But all my photos of you are in those above mentioned albums. When I find them, my dear, I promise to do an entire post of baby pictures of you. Because I have that many. Because you were THAT STINKIN' CUTE.
Without further ado:
Me and brother Dan, let's say 1973ish
Me holding baby brother Dave, with Dan ignoring us, 1974
Me, kindergarten 1975
Me and Dave. Don't know the year, but that's our house in Cedar Rapids. And yes, he's wearing a cowboy outfit. It was cool then.
Me, Dan and Dave. Dan's 9th birthday so 1981. Dave and I look completely unimpressed.
Sister Katy. I'd say she's a year old in this photo so 1983. This may very well be the only photo of Katy in a dress. :)
Mitch and I at his mom's in Texas. 1992 probably. And yes, he still owns that shirt.
Jacob and Sara
And Amanda, if you read this, it's not that I don't love you as much as our brothers/sister. But all my photos of you are in those above mentioned albums. When I find them, my dear, I promise to do an entire post of baby pictures of you. Because I have that many. Because you were THAT STINKIN' CUTE.
Without further ado:
Me and brother Dan, let's say 1973ish
Me holding baby brother Dave, with Dan ignoring us, 1974
Me, kindergarten 1975
Me and Dave. Don't know the year, but that's our house in Cedar Rapids. And yes, he's wearing a cowboy outfit. It was cool then.
Me, Dan and Dave. Dan's 9th birthday so 1981. Dave and I look completely unimpressed.
Sister Katy. I'd say she's a year old in this photo so 1983. This may very well be the only photo of Katy in a dress. :)
Mitch and I at his mom's in Texas. 1992 probably. And yes, he still owns that shirt.
Jacob and Sara
Monday, December 20, 2010
Sara's Appointment
Where is Maryann's Monday Madness? What will I say? Ugh, the pressure.
Sara had her follow-up at the neurologist this morning and it was basically good. In spite of the fact that she's had three seizures now since September 9, they are not pushing to put her on anti-seizure medication. I told them that my only concern is if she starts worrying a lot about having one or it starts interfering with her life, I would like to see her on something just to give her that peace of mind. She's so self-confident and we'd hate to see anything change that. The doctor and nurse practitioner both want to wait and see if she has any more before getting into medication. The reason being that once a child starts anti-seizure medication, they need to stay on it until they are seizure-free for 2 years before trying to come off it. The downside of no medication is that if she continues to have seizures, it will in effect "rewire" her brain and the seizures will be more frequent and more severe. So we decided to wait with the agreement that if she has more seizures, we will take that step.
Another unusual thing: Sara's seizures always start with a visual hallucination that is very clear. The first time, she "saw" her classroom while she was in bed, the second she "saw" houses in her classroom and last week she "saw" people in the cafeteria that weren't there. The neurologist said that based on where her calcium deposits are - in the right rear lobe of her brain - hallucinations are usually spots or squiggly lines or flashes. Because hers are so well-defined, it leads them to believe that the seizures are actually taking place in further in her brain, the temporal lobe. Why this is they aren't sure.
We're keeping her on the aspirin a day regime - that is to try to thin the blood and increase blood flow in the area of her brain where the calcium deposits are restricting it. She will have another MRI in March and we'll meet with the neurologists again shortly after that. Unless she has more seizures or we have concerns, when we could go back at any time.
As far as the mood swings we've noticed, well, there the news is bad. Apparently, that's just almost-10-year-old-girl related and we can't do anything about THAT. Bummer. There's never a pharmaceutical solution when you REALLY want one. :)
Sara had her follow-up at the neurologist this morning and it was basically good. In spite of the fact that she's had three seizures now since September 9, they are not pushing to put her on anti-seizure medication. I told them that my only concern is if she starts worrying a lot about having one or it starts interfering with her life, I would like to see her on something just to give her that peace of mind. She's so self-confident and we'd hate to see anything change that. The doctor and nurse practitioner both want to wait and see if she has any more before getting into medication. The reason being that once a child starts anti-seizure medication, they need to stay on it until they are seizure-free for 2 years before trying to come off it. The downside of no medication is that if she continues to have seizures, it will in effect "rewire" her brain and the seizures will be more frequent and more severe. So we decided to wait with the agreement that if she has more seizures, we will take that step.
Another unusual thing: Sara's seizures always start with a visual hallucination that is very clear. The first time, she "saw" her classroom while she was in bed, the second she "saw" houses in her classroom and last week she "saw" people in the cafeteria that weren't there. The neurologist said that based on where her calcium deposits are - in the right rear lobe of her brain - hallucinations are usually spots or squiggly lines or flashes. Because hers are so well-defined, it leads them to believe that the seizures are actually taking place in further in her brain, the temporal lobe. Why this is they aren't sure.
We're keeping her on the aspirin a day regime - that is to try to thin the blood and increase blood flow in the area of her brain where the calcium deposits are restricting it. She will have another MRI in March and we'll meet with the neurologists again shortly after that. Unless she has more seizures or we have concerns, when we could go back at any time.
As far as the mood swings we've noticed, well, there the news is bad. Apparently, that's just almost-10-year-old-girl related and we can't do anything about THAT. Bummer. There's never a pharmaceutical solution when you REALLY want one. :)
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Sunday 8PM
Tomorrow Sara goes back to the neurologist for her follow-up. We'll also be discussing the fact that she had that other seizure in November, as well as some issues last week. Nothing that developed into a seizure, but she did have some hallucinations. We don't have to go all the way to Salt Lake City tomorrow, which is nice, but to Riverton, which has a Primary Children's facility there. It's the hospital we'd been taking Mitch for his face. Incidentally, he goes back to the allergist tomorrow afternoon. We do our part to support the health care system here. Anyway, Riverton is closer and I don't have to get on I-15, which is good, since I always schedule these appointments at 9 AM, forgetting that A) I'm not a morning person; and B) I don't want to drive in rush hour traffic.
Upside: I think Riverton Hospital is fairly close to an IHOP. So I think I know where Sara and I will be going after the appointment.
We are off school now until January 3. I am mostly ready for Christmas. The kids and I have to go out so they can get some stuff for Mitch. But other than that, we're ready. I'm still waiting for a couple of packages from Amazon, but the site assures me they will be delivered before Friday. We'll see. Amazon hasn't let me down yet so I will give them the benefit of the doubt.
I have a great many things I want to do while we're off, all fun stuff like stitching and scrapbooking and making cards, but if the past is any indication, I'll most likely sit around watching TV and Facebooking. Which is good too in my opinion. Maybe I'll get some blogging and reading in too. Stay tuned, faithful readers. I may have something interesting to say!
Upside: I think Riverton Hospital is fairly close to an IHOP. So I think I know where Sara and I will be going after the appointment.
We are off school now until January 3. I am mostly ready for Christmas. The kids and I have to go out so they can get some stuff for Mitch. But other than that, we're ready. I'm still waiting for a couple of packages from Amazon, but the site assures me they will be delivered before Friday. We'll see. Amazon hasn't let me down yet so I will give them the benefit of the doubt.
I have a great many things I want to do while we're off, all fun stuff like stitching and scrapbooking and making cards, but if the past is any indication, I'll most likely sit around watching TV and Facebooking. Which is good too in my opinion. Maybe I'll get some blogging and reading in too. Stay tuned, faithful readers. I may have something interesting to say!
Friday, December 17, 2010
Fun Fact Friday
A smattering (because isn't that word fantastic?!) of Utah trivia for your reading pleasure.
** State symbol: The Beehive symbolizes thrift and industry.
** The average snowfall in the mountains near Salt Lake City is 500 inches.
** Because of the state's inland location Utah's snow is unusually dry. Earning it the reputation of having the world's greatest powder. 14 Alpine ski resorts operate in Utah.
** The name Utah comes from the Native American Ute tribe and means people of the mountains.
** Utah's professional sports teams include the Utah Jazz of the NBA, the Salt Lake Buzz of Triple A baseball, the Utah Grizzlies Hockey club of the International Hockey League and the Utah Starzz of the WNBA.
** Utah was acquired by the United States in 1848 in the treaty ending the Mexico War.
** Utah covers 84,900 square miles of land and is ranked 11th largest state in the United States.
**Utah has the highest literacy rate in the nation.
** State symbol: The Beehive symbolizes thrift and industry.
** The average snowfall in the mountains near Salt Lake City is 500 inches.
** Because of the state's inland location Utah's snow is unusually dry. Earning it the reputation of having the world's greatest powder. 14 Alpine ski resorts operate in Utah.
** The name Utah comes from the Native American Ute tribe and means people of the mountains.
** Utah's professional sports teams include the Utah Jazz of the NBA, the Salt Lake Buzz of Triple A baseball, the Utah Grizzlies Hockey club of the International Hockey League and the Utah Starzz of the WNBA.
** Utah was acquired by the United States in 1848 in the treaty ending the Mexico War.
** Utah covers 84,900 square miles of land and is ranked 11th largest state in the United States.
**Utah has the highest literacy rate in the nation.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Ten on Tuesday
Ten Things I Should Be Doing Instead of Sitting Here on Facebook and Watching Law & Order: SVU
- Cleaning bathrooms
- Getting ready for work
- Dusting
- Drying my hair
- Laundry
- Buying teacher gifts
- Buying stocking stuffers
- Starting dinner
- Cleaning out my van
- Walking the dog
Monday Madness on Tuesday
Whatever. Don't judge me - it's the holidays. And I work now at a place where I can't sit and play on the Internet all day. But here you go.
Thanks Maryann. As always, I and my loyal readers are grateful that you give me structure. Otherwise, I tend to just babble.
Like I'm doing now. Geesh.
What's your motto? Hmmm, I guess there'd be two really. One given to me by a former boss "People are stupid and they lie". Honestly, I've never heard a truer statement. And one I've always used is "Get over it". I mostly use it towards other people, but really, I sometimes say it to myself to remind me to let stuff go.
Do you like the name you were given? Is there a name that you think would suit you better? My name is fine. It must be, because years after I got it, my stepmother used it to. And actually, I know some pretty awesome Nancys so I think it works. Because I'm awesome. In case you didn't make that connection.
What's the one thing you always dread? I dread lots of things: dusting, driving on the highway during rush hour, blah blah blah,, you all probably know all my phobias by now. But I really dread parties and social situations. Because I suck at small talk and usually I end up drinking too much and then I get that "next day drinking sickness". Which I also dread.
Do you use anything to alter your consciousness, like alcohol or drugs? Why, or why not? See above.
If you could have ANY animal as a pet, what would it be? I think I'm good as far as pets go. I think polar bears are really cute, but I can't imagine the size of the poop bag you'd need for one of those.
What's your favorite place in the whole world? Specific or general? Generally, I love libraries and bookstores. Specifically, I really enjoy Qdoba.
Everybody needs a pat on the back now and then. Thank yourself for something you're proud of having done recently, and then tell us about it. I'm really proud of actually having made my Christmas cards this year. Usually, I plan to and buy all the stuff and then procrastinate to the point that I buy cards and send them out all mad at myself. But this year I really made them and sent them out. (If you didn't get one, I probably don't have your address so send it to me and I'll send you one. I have extras!)
What do you want your life to be like in five years? In five years? I don't know. Jacob will be driving - God help me - and Sara will be in high school - God help us all. I want to be sane. Maybe that's as much as I should hope for.
Who's your best friend? Dana is my best friend. She knows too much! But I've got the dirt on her too so I'm not too worried about that. Jenni, Maryann, Jen and Trina are right up there. And I'm fond of Mitch, mostly. And I love all of you too, lest you feel offended.
If you could change one thing about your appearance, what would it be? Or would you change anything at all? If I wanted to change anything, I guess I'd have it done. :P Okay, not really. But what's the point of changing anything now?
What's one skill you wish you had? I wish I could parallel park. It would solve a lot of problems for me.
Thanks Maryann. As always, I and my loyal readers are grateful that you give me structure. Otherwise, I tend to just babble.
Like I'm doing now. Geesh.
What's your motto? Hmmm, I guess there'd be two really. One given to me by a former boss "People are stupid and they lie". Honestly, I've never heard a truer statement. And one I've always used is "Get over it". I mostly use it towards other people, but really, I sometimes say it to myself to remind me to let stuff go.
Do you like the name you were given? Is there a name that you think would suit you better? My name is fine. It must be, because years after I got it, my stepmother used it to. And actually, I know some pretty awesome Nancys so I think it works. Because I'm awesome. In case you didn't make that connection.
What's the one thing you always dread? I dread lots of things: dusting, driving on the highway during rush hour, blah blah blah,, you all probably know all my phobias by now. But I really dread parties and social situations. Because I suck at small talk and usually I end up drinking too much and then I get that "next day drinking sickness". Which I also dread.
Do you use anything to alter your consciousness, like alcohol or drugs? Why, or why not? See above.
If you could have ANY animal as a pet, what would it be? I think I'm good as far as pets go. I think polar bears are really cute, but I can't imagine the size of the poop bag you'd need for one of those.
What's your favorite place in the whole world? Specific or general? Generally, I love libraries and bookstores. Specifically, I really enjoy Qdoba.
Everybody needs a pat on the back now and then. Thank yourself for something you're proud of having done recently, and then tell us about it. I'm really proud of actually having made my Christmas cards this year. Usually, I plan to and buy all the stuff and then procrastinate to the point that I buy cards and send them out all mad at myself. But this year I really made them and sent them out. (If you didn't get one, I probably don't have your address so send it to me and I'll send you one. I have extras!)
What do you want your life to be like in five years? In five years? I don't know. Jacob will be driving - God help me - and Sara will be in high school - God help us all. I want to be sane. Maybe that's as much as I should hope for.
Who's your best friend? Dana is my best friend. She knows too much! But I've got the dirt on her too so I'm not too worried about that. Jenni, Maryann, Jen and Trina are right up there. And I'm fond of Mitch, mostly. And I love all of you too, lest you feel offended.
If you could change one thing about your appearance, what would it be? Or would you change anything at all? If I wanted to change anything, I guess I'd have it done. :P Okay, not really. But what's the point of changing anything now?
What's one skill you wish you had? I wish I could parallel park. It would solve a lot of problems for me.
Friday, December 10, 2010
Fun Fact Friday
** Odontophobia is the fear of teeth.
** The first known contraceptive was crocodile dung, used by Egyptians in 2000 B.C.
** The plastic things on the end of shoelaces are called aglets.
** On the average, 12 newborns will be given to the wrong parents daily.
** The "pound" (#) key on your keyboard is called an octothorp.
** The average four year-old child asks over four hundred questions a day.
** It is physically impossible for pigs to look up into the sky.
** All polar bears are left handed.
** The first known contraceptive was crocodile dung, used by Egyptians in 2000 B.C.
** The plastic things on the end of shoelaces are called aglets.
** On the average, 12 newborns will be given to the wrong parents daily.
** The "pound" (#) key on your keyboard is called an octothorp.
** The average four year-old child asks over four hundred questions a day.
** It is physically impossible for pigs to look up into the sky.
** All polar bears are left handed.
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Car Talk
Sometimes, in the car, my kids have the strangest conversations. This was tonight's:
Jacob: I'm going to have to find a job soon.
Sara: Jacob, you're ELEVEN.
Jacob: I know, but companies are laying off like crazy. It's bad now, how bad is it going to be in 5 years?
Sara: The economy is predicted to get better in 2011.
Jacob: The people who say that are like weather forecasters. They can PREDICT it, but that doesn't mean it's actually going to happen.
Sara: Jacob, I had to learn all about Utah's economy. Do you have any idea how BORING that is?
Apparently, it's just boring enough for her to remember it and engage in a wise and insightful economic discussion with her brother.
Please note that I had nothing pertinent to add to this conversation.
I did not raise my kids this way, I promise you that.
Jacob: I'm going to have to find a job soon.
Sara: Jacob, you're ELEVEN.
Jacob: I know, but companies are laying off like crazy. It's bad now, how bad is it going to be in 5 years?
Sara: The economy is predicted to get better in 2011.
Jacob: The people who say that are like weather forecasters. They can PREDICT it, but that doesn't mean it's actually going to happen.
Sara: Jacob, I had to learn all about Utah's economy. Do you have any idea how BORING that is?
Apparently, it's just boring enough for her to remember it and engage in a wise and insightful economic discussion with her brother.
Please note that I had nothing pertinent to add to this conversation.
I did not raise my kids this way, I promise you that.
Lunatic Fringe
We finally have a diagnosis for Mitch: idiopathic angioedema. Basically, it means he swells up and they don't know why and there's nothing we can do except treat the symptoms. So there's that. He has a sackful of drugs and an refill for the Epi-pen and a follow-up appointment for December 21st. You can look it up yourself and see some pictures that pretty much show what Mitch has been going through. And it will tell you what I just did about what we can do for him. So...nothing.
An interesting thing is that one of the websites said that angioedema mostly occurs in African-Americans, is more common in women and tends to show itself in early puberty. Which is clearly Mitch. Or not. It's not like medicine is a SCIENCE or anything. Geesh.
Post continued 7 hours later...
Sorry, a phone call from my brother interrupted my posting, which clearly wasn't really going anywhere anyway. And then I had to go to work and then take Jacob for his 2nd Hepatitis A shot, which he needs for school here. He very much liked leaving school over an hour early, not so much the shot.
And I can tell this post still isn't going anywhere.
So...do you watch Fringe? Because you should. It's a very cool show, science fiction and futuristic and funny. It's currently on Thursday nights on FOX, but at the end of January, it will move to Friday nights. If you check it out, here are a few things you need to know:
- There are 2 universes, but the characters are the same in both. Our universe is obviously the good one. You can tell which universe they're showing by the character Walter: if he's scattered and goofy, it's our universe. If he's well-groomed and together, it's the other one.
- I don't know what the purpose of the cow in the lab is, other than a source of milk.
- Our Walter took large quantities of LSD years ago and suffered a break of some sort. As a result, he offers many hysterical and off-beat zingers during each show. The other Walter, or Walternate as he is called by us fans, is not nearly as amusing.
- Peter is a nice enough guy, but oh my goodness, if you don't know that the woman you are sleeping with is not the woman you've been in love with for the last 2 seasons, then I guess you aren't the man I thought you were. At some point, he should have figured it out BEFORE a random cleaning lady called you. Duh.
Go watch it. Maryann and I can't be the only fans.
I will fully admit that this is the WORST. POST. EVER.
An interesting thing is that one of the websites said that angioedema mostly occurs in African-Americans, is more common in women and tends to show itself in early puberty. Which is clearly Mitch. Or not. It's not like medicine is a SCIENCE or anything. Geesh.
Post continued 7 hours later...
Sorry, a phone call from my brother interrupted my posting, which clearly wasn't really going anywhere anyway. And then I had to go to work and then take Jacob for his 2nd Hepatitis A shot, which he needs for school here. He very much liked leaving school over an hour early, not so much the shot.
And I can tell this post still isn't going anywhere.
So...do you watch Fringe? Because you should. It's a very cool show, science fiction and futuristic and funny. It's currently on Thursday nights on FOX, but at the end of January, it will move to Friday nights. If you check it out, here are a few things you need to know:
- There are 2 universes, but the characters are the same in both. Our universe is obviously the good one. You can tell which universe they're showing by the character Walter: if he's scattered and goofy, it's our universe. If he's well-groomed and together, it's the other one.
- I don't know what the purpose of the cow in the lab is, other than a source of milk.
- Our Walter took large quantities of LSD years ago and suffered a break of some sort. As a result, he offers many hysterical and off-beat zingers during each show. The other Walter, or Walternate as he is called by us fans, is not nearly as amusing.
- Peter is a nice enough guy, but oh my goodness, if you don't know that the woman you are sleeping with is not the woman you've been in love with for the last 2 seasons, then I guess you aren't the man I thought you were. At some point, he should have figured it out BEFORE a random cleaning lady called you. Duh.
Go watch it. Maryann and I can't be the only fans.
I will fully admit that this is the WORST. POST. EVER.
Friday, December 3, 2010
Random Stuff Friday
- We spent some time together as a family last night. In the ER with Mitch. He's fine, but his throat was feeling tight and funny after he ate Del Taco (which may just be a normal side effect of Del Taco). So at 9 PM, we all hopped in the car and drove over. They gave him his IV drug cocktail, asked him his story, and the kids and I watched some Disney Channel. We got home at 1 AM. To say I'm tired is an understatement.
- I only watch "Lord of the Rings" to see a blond, pointed eared Orlando Bloom. Dreamy. I'm watching it right now, so sorry if this post is all over the place.
- I took the kids to the Chuck-A-Rama last night, which is a buffet similar to Old Country Buffet. Mitch worked late, so I told them it was a surprise and I'll tell you, it was crazy in the van when we pulled in. They've wanted to go FOREVER but Mitch doesn't eat buffets so it's been no luck for them. It was hilarious. (I should also get extra-credit cool mom points for taking them at 5:15 on the interstate. I had to MERGE for goodness sake. I hate merging.)
- Jacob talked our ears off. Apparently, if you take an 11-year-old boy to an all-you-can-eat buffet and let him stuff himself full of ham, fried chicken, lime jello and carrot cake, he'll tell you anything you want to know. And a whole bunch of stuff you don't want to know.
- This site cracks me up: ecards Cracks. Me. Up.
- My quest for a Qdoba substitute continues. I feel a bit like Frodo. (See above "Lord of the Rings" reference.)
- I'm changing the title of this post from "Fun Fact Friday" to "Random Stuff Friday", because it's so disjointed and ridiculous that it's all I can do not to delete it entirely. But I know how you all would suffer without my words of wisdom. And I really wanted to get in that point about Orlando Bloom.
- Ok, enough.
- I only watch "Lord of the Rings" to see a blond, pointed eared Orlando Bloom. Dreamy. I'm watching it right now, so sorry if this post is all over the place.
- I took the kids to the Chuck-A-Rama last night, which is a buffet similar to Old Country Buffet. Mitch worked late, so I told them it was a surprise and I'll tell you, it was crazy in the van when we pulled in. They've wanted to go FOREVER but Mitch doesn't eat buffets so it's been no luck for them. It was hilarious. (I should also get extra-credit cool mom points for taking them at 5:15 on the interstate. I had to MERGE for goodness sake. I hate merging.)
- Jacob talked our ears off. Apparently, if you take an 11-year-old boy to an all-you-can-eat buffet and let him stuff himself full of ham, fried chicken, lime jello and carrot cake, he'll tell you anything you want to know. And a whole bunch of stuff you don't want to know.
- This site cracks me up: ecards Cracks. Me. Up.
- My quest for a Qdoba substitute continues. I feel a bit like Frodo. (See above "Lord of the Rings" reference.)
- I'm changing the title of this post from "Fun Fact Friday" to "Random Stuff Friday", because it's so disjointed and ridiculous that it's all I can do not to delete it entirely. But I know how you all would suffer without my words of wisdom. And I really wanted to get in that point about Orlando Bloom.
- Ok, enough.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Things on Thursday
- The mouse for my laptop isn't working right. And I am just plain unable to work the touchpad. It's brutal.
- The job is going well. I worked my first outdoor recess yesterday and it wasn't too bad. I wasn't sure what was allowed and what wasn't, so I watched the other 3 "duty guards" and followed their lead. I constantly surprised by the number of kids not wearing boots or even coats. Oh, did I mention that one of those kids was my son? Yeah, good to know that he wore his snow boots all last week when there was NO SNOW but now that there is snow, he can't be troubled. And coats are optional apparently. I could just strangle him sometimes.
- Mitch's face started to swell up Monday night so he carted himself off to the Emergency Room. His appointment with the allergist isn't until next week, so he called them to try to get in earlier, but no luck. They told him to keep taking all the medications he was given at the ER, so hopefully we can make it until then without another incident. He thinks it's the solution they inject into pork chops and pork roasts at the store. I don't know about that, but I'm not really arguing because I don't care for pork and if he turns out to be allergic, I don't have to eat it anymore. It would be a double win for me: no more puffy faced husband and no more pork chops.
- How is it possible that there is not one good picture of my kids together for my Christmas card? There's actually not even one good picture of Sara by herself. I guess I'll be taking pictures this weekend and hoping for the best. I bought Christmas cards, even though I fully intended to MAKE my Christmas cards this year, but time is running short and I've hardly started. Ugh.
- It's that time of year where the kids make Christmas lists and Mitch and I sit and laugh about what they think they're getting. No Sara, given your recent head issues, there will not be a pogo stick or moon boots under the tree. And Jacob, FTLOG, we're not buying you an XBox. You have nine million computer video games, a DS, and a Wii. Get over it. I do love that Sara's list says "new camera or new batteries for the camera I have". So I have the option of spending $100 or $6. Decisions, decisions.
- The job is going well. I worked my first outdoor recess yesterday and it wasn't too bad. I wasn't sure what was allowed and what wasn't, so I watched the other 3 "duty guards" and followed their lead. I constantly surprised by the number of kids not wearing boots or even coats. Oh, did I mention that one of those kids was my son? Yeah, good to know that he wore his snow boots all last week when there was NO SNOW but now that there is snow, he can't be troubled. And coats are optional apparently. I could just strangle him sometimes.
- Mitch's face started to swell up Monday night so he carted himself off to the Emergency Room. His appointment with the allergist isn't until next week, so he called them to try to get in earlier, but no luck. They told him to keep taking all the medications he was given at the ER, so hopefully we can make it until then without another incident. He thinks it's the solution they inject into pork chops and pork roasts at the store. I don't know about that, but I'm not really arguing because I don't care for pork and if he turns out to be allergic, I don't have to eat it anymore. It would be a double win for me: no more puffy faced husband and no more pork chops.
- How is it possible that there is not one good picture of my kids together for my Christmas card? There's actually not even one good picture of Sara by herself. I guess I'll be taking pictures this weekend and hoping for the best. I bought Christmas cards, even though I fully intended to MAKE my Christmas cards this year, but time is running short and I've hardly started. Ugh.
- It's that time of year where the kids make Christmas lists and Mitch and I sit and laugh about what they think they're getting. No Sara, given your recent head issues, there will not be a pogo stick or moon boots under the tree. And Jacob, FTLOG, we're not buying you an XBox. You have nine million computer video games, a DS, and a Wii. Get over it. I do love that Sara's list says "new camera or new batteries for the camera I have". So I have the option of spending $100 or $6. Decisions, decisions.
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