Friday, December 31, 2010

Auld Lang Syne

Okay, so I did a 2010 in Review.  So next up, logically, would be a 2011 New Year's Resolutions post, right?  Well, all you guys probably read  my 40th birthday post and my Thanksgiving post so I honestly don't know why you would think I would do something like that.

Oh, you hopeful, hapless souls.  How I love your optimism.  I laugh at it, but I love it nonetheless.

Here's what I WILL do for you, however.  I will make resolutions for other people.  Less pressure on me to perform, yet you still get a New Year's Eve post.  Win-win.

For Sara:
Sara resolves to have no more health issues.  She resolves to put those pre-teen hormones in check.  She also resolves to help her mother more around the house.

For Jacob:
Jacob resolves to be less mouthy (despite the fact that it's clearly genetic).  He resolves to wear something other than his University of Michigan hoodie every day.  Following his sister's lead, he also resolves to help his mother more around the house.

For Mitch: 
Mitch also resolves to have no more health issues.  He resolves to watch less "Pawn Stars".  He resolves to train this dog before I get rid of her.

For Gracie:
Gracie resolves to stop jumping on the furniture.  She resolves to stop stealing things out of the kids' rooms.  She also resolves to stop unrolling the toilet paper rolls, because that is really, really annoying.

For Jenni:
Jenni resolves to continue doing well without me there.  She also resolves to call me as often as possible.  She resolves to come out here to visit.

For Jen:
Jen resolves to continue being the #1 waitress/bartender in the Greater Kalamazoo area.  She resolves to spread her gift of sarcasm at a global level.  She also resolves to continue being a great support to me by helping me to laugh through my tears.

For Maryann:
Maryann resolves to keep me up to date on the goings-on at our favorite place of employment.  She resolves to stay alert to any possible purple purses that I may enjoy owning.  She also resolves to continue with her way cool nail art.

For My Brothers:
My brothers resolve to remember I am the best sister EVER.  That's enough for them, I think.

For My Sisters:
See above "My Brothers" resolution.

For My Parents:
My parents resolve to spend more time with their grandchildren, by taking them for at least 2 weeks during the summer.  (That's 2 weeks per parent, btw.)  They resolve to send me cool presents for no reason.  They resolve to do this often.

For The World:
The World resolves to stop doing stupid things like earthquakes, floods and fires.  It also resolves to achieve that World Peace thing I've heard so much about.  The World resolves to be a better place for everyone.

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