Wednesday, October 13, 2010

I Used to Think

I used to think vampires were scary. Now I know they're sparkly.  Which is scary in a whole different way.

I used to think bagels should taste like donuts.  I'm still a little surprised every time I have one that they don't.

I used to think I was the only one who had no idea what I was doing. 

I used to think I would die in a tornado.  I guess spending every other weekend of your childhood in a trailer in Iowa will do that to you.

I used to think I should be an only child.  Now I can't imagine life without my brothers and sisters.  It might have been quieter, but not nearly as interesting.

I used to think you could leave the past behind.  Thanks Facebook for beaming it right into my living room. (Kidding! I love you all, my Facebook friends from the past!)  Now I know you are your past, you can't ever leave it behind.  Without a lobotomy, that is.

I used to think I should finish every book I start.  Life's too short to spend it reading a book you don't like.  There are millions of books out there, go find another one.

I used to think all kinds of weird stuff that should probably have stayed locked up in my head.  Then I started a blog to share it all with you.


  1. this is fantastic. thank you... again, inspired. i really miss you, qdoba sends it's regards.

  2. And we love it. If we can't have you in person, we'll enjoy your elequent stories.
