Sunday, October 10, 2010

Sense of Purpose

I read a great many blogs, which  may or may not be how I found myself doing this. 

Actually, I've had blogs in the past, but no one knew about them and thinking back, it was probably for the best.  I've always been a journal-keeper, but with this new fangled technology called the internets, I don't have to write out my thoughts longhand.  Now I can type it all here and keep all those pretty journals and cool notebooks I buy in pristine condition. 

(Hi, my name is Nancy and I am addicted to office supplies.  Notebooks, pens, cute paperclips, etc.  I'll take a gift certificate to Office Max over Victoria's Secret anyday.  Sadly for my husband.)

Anyway, I always admire the bloggers who write everyday.  I am clearly not one of those, but I do aspire to it.  Sometimes, when I can't sleep, I lay in bed and think up fantastic blog posts.  And Facebook statuses.  Between insomnia and the shower, I have my best thoughts when it's impossible to record them.  You can ask Jenni how many conversations we've had where I start off by saying, "I thought of this in the shower this morning...".  This also explains why I can be heard talking to myself in the shower.

Okay, that's a lie.  I talk to myself all the time.  Thank you all for not making a big deal out of it.

So having said all that, I want to try to be a better - read, more consistent - blogger.  I've heard of National Blog Posting Month, so I did a search for it on the Internet.  The official website is here:  NaBloPoMo.  I'm not going to do this.  I generally have trouble with anything requiring me to write.  But it's there should someone else need it.  Though most of you who read this and have your own blogs, I think you do fantastically.  This website has a tab called "Prompts" and it's a good place to look if you need a topic.

I know my friends Maryann and Jen write great blog posts that actually have topics and themes and life-lessons.

I tend to sit at the computer and start typing.  And much like when I start talking, I will babble away until something resembling sense comes out.  Sometime it takes a long, long time for that sense part to show up.  For you, dear readers and Internet wanderers, I delete all the nonsensical crap. 

So if you ever read this and say "OMG, doesn't she have a POINT"?", just remember: There was a whole lot of other pointless crap that I deleted.  This is the stuff that I think made sense.  I do this for you. Because I care.

You're welcome.

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